2. National Security
3. National Issue
4. A potential policy is being considered to help a problem that individuals an families may face.
5. The N.S.A. has been "urged" to make data collected public. It would possibly restore the reputation of the foreign intelligence service.
6The lean towards making the data collected on calls public would be a start at restoring the reputation of the N.S.A. With the leaking of Snowden and recent conflict with Brazil and Mexico its only logical that an attempt to gain the trust back of the public is very important. However my question is how much information will really be made “public” Also the fact that the Patriot Act will be in affect when doing their investigations who’s to say that this is only an attempt to take the spotlight off of the N.S.A. so they continue with the original plan they had in action. It is hard to tell what the N.S.A. has to gain by making certain information public. Me personally I have learned that I cannot not trust the government as far as i can throw them when it comes to issues of this nature. I feel only the conversations they want you to see will be the ones revealed. Also with the patriot act being enabled with this as well, those who have he potential to leak information will more than likely be convicted before any definite information surfaces about what is really going on. I honestly do not know what to think of this article, I honestly feel this just a lack luster attempt for the government to cover their own ass. Only time will tell if any information surfaces. Also will it be known by the public that this type information is available and can be viewed. Only time will tell.
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