Friday, September 27, 2013

Audit: EMS provides quality care, but medics cite fatigue.


2. Category of Problem: Safety and health

3. Level of Problem: Local

4.  This Article Concerns: EMS overworked and fatigued.

5. Importance/Affect on Individuals/Families: EMS personnel stating that they are fatigued and exhausted from working overtime with out adequate time to recuperate. Providing quality care under these circumstances is important, but is questioned due to EMS being overworked.

6. Personal View:
It is very important that EMS are not working an excessive amount of hours and should be getting enough time off from work to recuperate from such long work shifts. Sleep deprivation and fatigue have serious affects and consequences on the body and cognitive functions. With the great amount of responsibility that lies in the hands of EMS (a person's life) they need to be fully rested and ready to work so as to not make any mistake, misjudge or overlook a detail that can lead to much serious consequences. I find it crazy how they are expected to work 56 hours a week plus overtime and be on call. Despite the fact that this audit brings to light this issue from the EMS perspective and shows that quality care has not been compromised, it is still important that the EMS work hours be revised. No serious happenings may have occurred yet due to an EMS being fatigued and making a mistake, but it can happen--or has already happened.  I don't think it should be a concern that by reducing the hours would mean the city would have to hire more medics. It is essential for the city of Austin to do so.
Another issue is that these medics are also traveling much longer distances due to patients being able to request a center facility they would like to go to even if its 20 miles aways. That is exhausting to be making trip after trip while having to provide exceptional care.

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