Friday, September 27, 2013

Fat dogs

2. Category: Pet health
3. Level: National pets
4. Content: People aren't the only ones getting fatter, as pets in the U.S. are increasingly getting more and more overweight.
5. Importance: So many pets are unhealthy these days and they deserve a good life too.
6. To some the issue of obesity in dogs is not the least bit important, but for some of us, the lives of our four legged friends is incredibly important. I personally have two dogs, and they are basically like my kids. The connection people have with dogs is unlike any relationship that people have with other animals. Just like people in the U.S., dogs have an increasing rate of obesity, and it causes many of the same health related issues for them. In this article, one of the things mentioned was gyms and day spas for dogs. People will pay upwards of $100 per day to have their dogs placed on exercise programs to make them more healthy. I do think stuff like that is completely ridiculous and sad. It just goes to show how lazy people can be. In my personal opinion, if you can't go and take your dog on a walk, and you are actually willing to pay that much money to have someone else exercise with your dog, it seems to show that those people don't really care about their pets at all. For the most part though, I think it could be a good opportunity for people to get out with their pups, and get some exercise that is not only beneficial to their dog, but also to themselves. There is plenty of talk about all the nutrition related issues that are causing obesity, but another huge part of it is the lack of physical activity. Not everyone are "dog people" but for those that are, they should take their love of their pets and take them out for a jog.

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