Week 4 Article 3
Hlavaty, C. (2013 September, 18).
10-year old among kids arrested in ‘brutal’ bike trail robberies. The Houston
Chronicle. Retrieved from http://www.chron.com/default/article/10-year-old-among-kids-arrested-in-brutal-bike-4824828.php
Category of Problem: Crime/Safety
Level of Problem: Local
Article Concerns: The safety of the
patrons that go to this park.
This affects families/individuals because
the kids that are committing these crimes are so young. This affects any
families or individuals that live in the area because they are the ones that
are being targeted for these crimes.
My concerns: It amazes me that kids this
young are committing these terrible and brutal crimes. My thoughts are where
are the parents of these children and why aren’t they keeping a closer eye on
their children? The nine kids that were involved told the police that one of
the reasons they were committing these crimes is because they were board. I
think to solve this problem we should build community centers and places where
these kids can go to participate in positive activities that will keep them out
of trouble. These kids may not have the luxury of having their parents around
to look after them or to even be a good role model for them. We need to help
these kids and teach them positive things to do so they are not out there
getting into trouble.
This really concerns me because I have younger siblings. There needs to be more outreach so that kids are supervised and not out just roaming around getting into trouble. I know that there are programs like Boys & Girls Clubs but I also know that funding is getting harder and harder to come by. These are programs that help keep kids doing productive things. My dad was on the board of the Boys & Girlsa Club and in the three years that he was invoilved with them they had to shut down to Clubs in the most low income areas in El Paso. Why isnt there more funding to help keep these places open?