Friday, September 20, 2013

Nonprofit pairs animals with people with autism

Week #3 Article #2


1.    Patrick Beach (2013, September 19) Nonprofit pairs animals with people with autism. Austin American Statesman

2.    Category of problem: Animals helping children with autism

3.    Level of problem: Local

4.    This article concerns: Families with children that are have autism which is a problem/issue that individuals/families face

5.    Importance/affect on families/individuals: The affect on families with children that have autism and children with autism is that the Capital Area Horses for People with Autism is trying to help each child and give the time to get fresh air and exercise outside and spend time with animals that they might not get to otherwise.

6.    My input: I really feel that any type of child that has any kind of problem if it’s social or mental can benefit from spending time with any type of animals. However, I do feel that some animals are better than other, like for example I think horses and dogs are the best. I feel that horses and dogs are the best because they are able to form a bond back with the child. I feel that it can help children because just like the child the animal want to be loved and care for and animals don’t judge the person that is playing attention to them just because they might be different than other people, unlike some people would judge them because they are different from most people. Also, I think giving children with autism a chance to do something that they would not be able to do otherwise, bringing them out of their normal environment and forming bonds with animals and other people could be good for them in the short run and the long run and benefit them in many ways.

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