2. Teachers firing over drug charge is dismissed
4. A problem that individual/families may face
5. The article is important because in a way it informs families to be more aware of the type of things going on at their child's school. Though Mr. Esteban was not bringing these drugs to school and distributing them to kids, but i feel it makes families be more aware of the school environment their children are in.
6.I do not agree with the judge’s decision in this case at all. Though, according got his lawyer, Mr. Esteban was not aware of the drugs in his back pack there certain things that cannot be over looked. Even though it happened outside of the school, this situation puts the school largely at risk. Surely parents would be in an uproar to know that a teacher took hard narcotics into a court house, and then what would prevent him from bringing those drugs to school and around their children. I commend the school in taking immediate action to the situation. The administration decision is clearly a decision made based of ethics and for the good of the children. I am sure Mr. Esteban was quite clear on what the consequences would be if caught with any type of illegal substance regardless if he knew the drugs were in his book bag or not. The fact that the judge overturned their decision displays his negligence to protect the children of the public school system. Typically the public school system is not the best and typically filled with inner city where the influence of drugs and other things are already present. Allowing a teacher to come back into a school system with an already possible troubled population is not sending a good message to the students of that school or the area. The decision of judge even shocked the Mr. Esteban who surely thought there would be no way to overturn this decision. However with the words of his Lawyer Mr. Esteban didn’t seem to be happy with job any longer so why allow a teacher, who is no longer passionate about teaching or concerned about his image to his students, continue to teach.
I agree that this teacher should not be able to come back to work if this is what he is involved with outside the premises. If I had knowledge that my child was going to a school where the staff was involved in drug use I would be very concerned. Being a teacher should be the one job where they do not use drugs. Not only does this affect your ability to teach because it alters your thinking, but it also creates an unsafe environment. We are trusting that our children are safe in the hands of these people and even if their drug use seems to be in control I would not feel very uncomfortable with this person being such a strong influence. Kids spend most of their days with these people who are major influences in their lives. Since this was public matter, these children will now know Mr. Esteban was involved with drugs and this will greatly impact them. They will either lose respect for this man or worse they could look up to him and cause them to think differently about drug use. I also think that the fact that he got caught in courthouse shows his lack of intelligence and caution. If you can "accidently" bring drugs into a courthouse then I would not doubt you might accidently bring them on school grounds. Again, you are supposed to be a great role model for these children and in my opinion you can not be if you have any involvement with drugs. People do make mistakes and it could be true that he was unaware of the drugs in his backpack but we shouldn't just trust that he isn't using for the sack of the children. He made the mistake of bringing the drugs into the courthouse and should face the consequences.