Friday, September 27, 2013

Obama Care Pros and Cons

    Obama Care Pros and Cons
2.       Category* of Problem/Issue identified in article: Health Care
3.       Level of problem/issue : National
4.       A potential policy that is being considered to help a problem that individuals face.

5.       This is important to individuals because it is a big controversy between the fact of determining if this will help or affect families/ and individuals economy, health care and also jobs.

6.       From my point of view is difficult to understand completely if Obama care law affect or benefit us, since many information sources that talk about the pros and cons of this law. For me the best and most beneficiary of reform is mandatory for individuals and businesses to purchase medical insurance. This can be seen from a point of view bad because it threatens the principle of individual freedom, where everyone is free to spend their income as choice. However, individual freedom ends when your actions affect the rest of society. Another advantage is the incentive to implement electronic medical records. From my point of view this would also help people with Medicare and Medicaid benefits as this new law discourages fraud and conducting unnecessary tests and treatments by healthcare providers. Some of the cons that I consider dangerous are the obligation to admit insurers preexisting cases without additional charges and also the option that the state reserves to control prices of services, professional fees, and suppliers of health care.

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