Friday, September 20, 2013

Test of Alzheimer's Drug Gets Government Funding

Category: Health

Level: National

Concerning: A problem/issue that individuals/families face


This is important to families and individuals because it bring hope to those who are at high risk to developing Alzheimer’s.


My Views: Having a grandfather who suffers from Alzheimer’s and a step father who is at high risk of developing the disease, this study hopefully will bring hope to families in the future if a cure or deterrent is found. Seeing the disease develop in my grandfather over the past seven years has been hard for my family and especially for my step father who says his dad is gone. I think it is great all the steps that are being taken from individuals, companies and the government to hopefully bring an end to this and allow family members to have more time with their family and not have to be confused and in some cases totally helpless. My hopes are that this government funded research as well as the other multiple research going on to help this cause will have success so hopefully if my step father does get Alzheimer’s we will be able to catch it before it is too late. Millions of people around the country suffer from this disease and so many family members are hurting from not knowing their family member with the disease anymore.  A lot can be done with the government’s grant of $33.2 million but I am sure that there will need to be more funding and testing before we know exactly how to stop the disease.

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