Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Texas State Hazing... Again

Level: Local
Concerning: Individuals

Hazing has happened again at Texas State involving a number of students. This time with the band members. Students and Individuals don't realize the severe legal punishments that come from hazing and the harmful things they do to other students.

Hazing effects students and individuals all across the US. We see it happen primarily in schools, getting initiated into groups, becoming into the brotherhood or sisterhood of fraternities and sororities. Hazing is not talked about and is not called "hazing" when it is happening. It is called initiation or the bond that makes them brothers among fraternities. I have talked to friends and they don't talk about their hazing days or the time they were hazed but at times it is mentioned, but never more that that. Peer pressure is already hard on students, especially in college. Drinking in college doesn't always have to happen but it does. We are influenced by the people around us to have a good time. My first years here at Texas State I had a group of friends that were very much into partying, and i loved to go out with them but i did not drink and they were ok with it. Eventually i grew up some and knew it was ok to drink, i told myself my limits. When students are being hazed into drinking until they are sick, stripping of their clothes, and to be embarrassed is when it has gone to far. They are no longer in charge of their actions. They people that have forced the drinks down them are the ones. I personally have never been hazed, but i am sure it is a scary situation. These are people you thought were friends doing cruel and harmful things to you. There is a point that you can not defend yourself  anymore. The students that have gotten in trouble legally for hazing I think deserve their punishments, they are doing something against their will.

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