Friday, September 13, 2013

$1 billion in improper disability payments

Level: National

Concerning: A problem/issue that individuals/families face

Category:Social security/disability funds

Why is this important’/how does this affect individuals/families?
Many people/families were paid money by the government for disability funds when they shouldn't have been. 

My View:My view on the current situation regarding improper payment for disability to 36,000 workers is that the Social Security administration should be paying closer attention to their system for payments. If they tightened up the security on their systems they would have caught this mistake sooner. It is their job to ensure that anyone receiving disability checks meets and follows the requirements and guidelines before payments are made. I don't feel like anyone who was improperly paid should be required to pay the money they wrongfully received back to the government. Although I do feel like there were probably some people who knew they shouldn't be working while receiving money, others may have not been aware they were doing anything wrong. The administration is ultimately responsible for any checks that they send out to people and I think that it is their responsibility to find a way to clean up the mess they made instead of pointing fingers. If the administration didn't make mistakes like this and let people slip through the cracks, then maybe people who really deserve and need their disability checks wouldn't have to worry about their funds drying up and becoming non existent in the near future. I think that disability checks are too often sent out to people who don't really need them and the money could be saved for the portion of the population who truly are disabled and in need and deserving of assistance.

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