Category: Mental Health
Level: National
Concerning: Introducing ways to prevent gun violence by
controlling and figuring out new ways to help people with mental health issues.
Ways it affects families: Because of the numerous violent
attacks on innocent civilians this is a huge issue we need to address. To
prevent families from dealing with the loss of others we must investigate the
mental health of others and determine a way to get them help before tragedy
The huge rise in violence within our nation has made many
feel as if mental health is a big contributor. I agree that more help is needed
to prevent these tragedies from happening and way to do this is through the
help of counseling and other sources. The recent gun violence in Washington
showed a man who was suffering from psychosis which could possibly have been
prevented with more helpful resources. I believe that it is a good idea to get
teachers more educated in mental illnesses to stop these things from happening.
Our resources need to be expanded to help individuals that are suffering with
mental illnesses find new ways to deal with their disorders. Many of these
people also deal with post-traumatic stress syndrome which has always been a
huge factor in violence within our society. The more people are educated in
these illnesses the better we can assess the situation and stop something
before it’s too late. I also believe that gun violence is getting out of
control and better regulation on who can get their hands on guns should be enforced.
Although a majority of people like having the ability to obtain weapons easily
it is obviously hurting our society and becoming a major issue. I am also in
favor of psychiatric test to show whether someone has the capability of owning
a gun and using it in a non-violent manner. I am in favor of new gun laws to promote the
safety and proper use of weapons to protect our society. It is true that this
might still not have been prevented but I do believe that there has been an
increase in violence especially with the use of guns. I would rather have a
more extensive test to obtain a weapon then to have more innocent victims
gunned down by people with mental issues. I believe people should be more aware
of these types of illnesses, especially teachers, and know how to prevent these
heartbreaks from happening.
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