Thursday, September 26, 2013

Crematorium in their midst riles neighbors

Week 5 Article 2

1.    Freemantle, T. (2013 September, 26). Crematorium in their midst riles neighbors. The Houston Chronicle. Retrieved from
2.    Category of Problem: Zoning
3.    Level of Problem: Local
4.    Article Concerns: The location of a Crematory in a residential area.
5.    This affects all of the individuals and families that live in this neighborhood because this crematorium produces clouds of black smoke occasionally. Neighbors to this facility have to inhale that smoke every time they step out of their house.
6.    My Concerns: While it is unpleasant to look at and to smell by law the owner is not doing anything wrong. There are no zoning laws in the city of Houston requiring this crematorium to not be located in a residential area. I personally would not want this type of facility located in my neighborhood. Because there is no zoning laws permitting this then residents that live in that area have to deal with it. The owner seems to be doing nothing wrong. He has all the right permits required and he is not be disruptive or causing a nuescence. If residences have such a problem with it then they should have thought about that when they voted against the no zoning law. Unfortunately today’s society is unaware of issues that are happening or that could potentially happen until they experience that particular issue themselves.

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