Week 4 Article 2
Wadsworth, J. (2013 September, 19). Ron Paul:
More women should sacrifice career to home school kids. The Houston Chronicle.
Retrieved from http://blog.chron.com/hottopics/2013/09/ron-paul-more-women-should-sacrifice-career-to-homeschool-kids/?cmpid=lifestylehcat
Category of Problem: sacrificing career to home
school kids
Level of Problem: National
The article concerns: This will mainly affect
women since women are the main ones that home school children.
This highly affects families because most
families need both parents to work in order to have enough money to live. This
also affects mainly women since women are the ones that traditionally do the
home schooling.
My concerns: I disagree with Ron Paul saying
should sacrifice their career to home school their children. Paul’s reasoning
for wanting to home school kids is to teach them about what is really happening
with our government to ensure that we would be able to create leaders one day
out of these kids. I personally do not think that home schooling will help that
issue. Paul should be going to the school board members and the individual states
if he is trying to change the curriculum. The states are the ones that have control
over the education. Not only that but many women need to work in order to
provide for their family. There are a lot of single mothers out there who
cannot afford to give up their job because they need that money to live off of.
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