Thursday, September 26, 2013

Starring Ted Cruz as Sam I Am!

Week #4 Article #3
Powell, Stewart M. (2013, September 25) Cruz ends talkathon, yields Senate floor after 21 hours. Washington Bureau, San Antonio Express News
Category of problem: Health/ Healthcare
Level of problem: National
This article concerns: the 21 hour speech given by Ted Cruz in opposition to Obamacare.
Importance/affect on families/individuals:
This will affect families all over the country. The goal of Obamacare is to assure that the large population of uninsured America has access to affordable healthcare. By speaking against it, Ted Cruz tells us all where he stands on the issue.
My input:
Let me just start by saying that I would probably explode with anger and frustration were it not for John Stewart and Stephen Colbert restoring my faith in America. I sometimes find it hard to express my deep disappoint in the people who represent Texas, but these two men take the words out of my mouth. I am honestly quite baffled at some of the things Senator Cruz said.
Cruz vowed to speak until he could no longer stand, which was a little dramatic if you ask me. John Stewart said it best- “Easy for you to take that kind of risk. You’ve got government health care!” It was interesting to hear Sen. Cruz bash accessible healthcare for the 48 million uninsured Americans, not to mention the 6.3 million Texans that Mr. Cruz represents. Am I missing something, because this just isn't making sense to me. Sen. Cruz also made some interesting references ranging from Ashton Kutcher’s tweets to Duck Dynasty. He also blamed Obamacare for some negative things such as job loss…even though it is not in action until October 1st. I just do not see why people are so opposed to this. If you were to ask the uninsured Americans, chances are they would be in favor of this- because it is affecting them. Of course a government official opposes. He is not one of the people this act is affecting. Obama himself summarized those opposing Obamacare by saying “Shut it down before people realize they like it”. Interestingly enough, in his 21 hour speech, Sen. Cruz read Dr.Suess’s Green Eggs and Ham. As we all (should) know, this book is a classic tale of not liking something, and after trying it, learning that it really isn’t so bad after all. So what are you playing at, Cruz!? Take the advice of Mr. Sam I Am, and don’t make the mistake of bashing something you, and the American people, just might like.

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