Thursday, September 5, 2013

''Under God'' the pledge of allegiance under review in Massachusetts


  2. Category of problem: Education

 3. Level of problem: State level

 4. The article concerns: How Massachusetts want to remove the ''under God'' from pledge of allegiance. How it is discrimination.  A family member of a  student brought that the case is unconstitutional since it is violating the constitution of Massachusetts for not separating state and church.

5. Why is this important to families/individuals OR how does it affect individuals/families?
It seems that people have problem with the pledge of allegiance. The article is saying that having ‘‘under God’’ is problem and it needs to be taking out.  So it is discrimination to have that, even though it has been like for over two hundred years now.  A family member of a student seem to problem with that part of the pledge of allegiance and said it is unconstitutional and it is been back up by Rob Speckhardt who is executive director of the American Humanist Associate.

6. My view on this issue: That I don't think it is fair for Christians not be able to say God name in the pledge of allegiance because some people think it is unconstitutional. This country give us all the freedom of religious as well as speech. They need to keep it and come up with some sort of compromising.  I think they shouldn't let some students stands up and recite the pledge of allegiance  while others sit down neither. I think they should have the option of saying or not saying ''under God'' when they are reciting the pledge of allegiance rather than taking it out so others can be happy. The constitution also give us the purse of happiness as well so if not saying ''under God'' makes you happy then do it. If saying ''under God'' makes someone happy then you should keep it because taking it out  make Christians unhappy as well.

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