Level: National
Level: National
Concerning:A problem that faces individuals and families
Category:Gun Violence/Mass shootings
Why is this important’/how does this affect
People don't feel like they are safe anywhere anymore because of all of the mass shootings/violence
My View:
I can't even begin to understand how terrifying it would be to be an innocent bystander witnessing a mass shooting. I feel terrible for the families of the thirteen people who died and everyone who was involved. It is sad to watch our nation crumble apart because of random acts of violence. I can't even keep track of how many deadly mass shootings have taken place in our nation in the past couple years. It seems like something terrible like this is happening every few months. It makes you begin to question whether or not you are really safe anywhere at this point. From schools and navy bases, to movie theaters and malls it is an unthinkable and seemingly unavoidable situation that so many individuals and families have been faced with. It scares me to think about what kind of world the generations to come are going to be forced to live in. The safety of our loved ones is always going to be something that is feared. I feel like the struggling economy has had a lot to do with the outbreak in mass shootings recently. So many people are desperate, depressed and going crazy because of our nations financial situation..
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