Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Textbook hearing draws evolution supporters, detractors.

Jordan Brewer Week 3 Article 1

San Antonio Express News, Joshua Fechter September 17, 2013

Category of problem: high-textbooks regarding evolution vrs. creationism.

Level of problem: State level (TX)

This article is concerning:
 A highly debated textbook regulation that evolution be taught in all public schools to avoid anything that has to do with religion.  Only having information that is based on "Scientific" data.

Importance/affect on families or individuals:
This policy has yet to be voted on but will have a huge effect on how children are taught the world was created.  Rather than just learning about evolution and the science behind that, creationism will be taught as well to offer the other half the the nations belief system of how the universe came into existence.

My opinion on the policy:
I am in favor of the policy being passed to edge out evolution and get back to our nations roots of Christianity.  I do realize the constitution clearly states to keep church and state separate and I know that applies to schools as well, but the fact is science is much different that all the other subjects we learn about in high-school.  In math class 2 + 2 = 4 and there is no other answer that anyone in the world would say differently.  In history we have clear documents and writings that have led to a pretty clear understanding that is agreed with by most of what has actually happened.  In science however, most in particularly when it comes to how we came to existence, is based entirely on opinion.  I think it is ignorant that we teach evolution as scientific proof when the man who invented the idea didn't even call it proof.  He simply said it was a theory but we grasped it as proof as evolution was the first thing to be offered since creationism therefore to avoid any thought of religion in school we are teaching what scientists "think" probably happened, yet telling the children of our nation through the textbooks that it is fact.  

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