Friday, September 13, 2013

knowledge is power


2. To reduce addiction F.D.A. altering label rules on painkillers

3. national issue

4. A problem that individuals face.

5. The labeling is being altered in an attempt to reduce the high number of people with addicted to medically prescribed drugs.

6.I do agree that the steps the F.D.A. is taking will be beneficial to the public to reduce the high amounts of reported addiction. However, I do feel some of that burden should lay with the doctors who prescribe these drugs as well. The doctors are very knowledgeable, or at least should be, in what chemicals are in the drugs they prescribe. Most of the time when one goes to the doctor they are only told to to take a certain amount within in a set time frame. Though caution is advised the typical person takes however many they feel they need to make the pain go away. The number of incidences of addiction is no secret and I am not sure why it is not made a point for patients to have a full explanation of what the drugs will do to their body: if too much is taking at one time, or one takes more than what they are directed. I feel most addictions to these prescription painkillers could be avoided if the patient is properly educated on the drugs they will be consuming. I am not saying the doctor should be held responsible for a patents addiction but they should be held accountable for not properly educating. Hopefully with the label change it will inform the consumer better about what exactly is in their prescriptions that they are taking, or the active ingredient become more apparent. At least prompting the patient to research the active ingredients in their medication would probably reduce the amount of addiction.

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