Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hindering Our Future Leaders

2.Category of problem/issue: Education
3. Level of problem/issue: State level
4. The article concerns: Cutting funding from the Head Start program, which funds preschools. Along with cutting Impact Aid, which funds schools on military bases.
5. Why is this important to indivdiuals/families OR how does this affect individuals/families?
        --This is going to majorly affect families with preschool children and military families. Taking away funding will only hurt programs that are enriching children.
6. What are your views on the issue?
        --Taking away funding from a program that helps the future leaders of this country is something that I do not understand. We are only shooting ourselves in the foot. These are the people who are going to be creating our laws. These are the people that will be making decisions when we can no longer. These are going to be the lawyers, doctors and teachers. Why would we want to hinder their education from the start? I say we should not. It is not a smart idea. In this day in age, technology is making our world grow faster and faster. We need the future workers of this country to be able to stand right next to the people from China, Japan, or Russia to understand what is going on.

In my Life Spans class we have talked about how parents now a days get on waiting lists for preschools when the the mothers are still in their first trimesters. Preschool is a vital time for children to grow and learn the building blocks for education. Taking away funding from those schools will just hinder preschoolers' futures in education. Preschool for me was a social place. I was not really able to read until late in elementary school. What if lack of funding had that effect on multiple children? The future would possibly not look very bright for most.

Taking away funding from Impact Aid would not be the fair thing to do. Military families are right up there with the men or women in those families that are serving. They are serving this country and they should not be treated unfairly when they have already given up so much for this country. Their education should be taken even more seriously because they might be more likely to help serve our country in the future. Do we really want people who are fighting for us to not be smart enough to handle anything that could be thrown at them?

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