-Category: Health/Medical
-Level of Problem: Local
-A potential policy that is being passed to help with a problem/issue that individuals/families face.
-How this is important: The "abortion war" is important to Albuquerque, NM because they are saving the lives of unborn children. They want to stop abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The importance of this is to shut down late term abortions happening in a private clinic in Albuquerque.
My Views: I completely agree with shutting down a clinic that provides late term abortion. My views on abortion are pro-choice but I believe this is a decision that should be done before 20 weeks for multiple reasons. 1. After the 20 weeks the fetus has become a child, that could be born from then on. Pre-mature babies happen all the time. 2. Being pregnant is a decision. Becoming pregnant isn't the decision it is the responsibility that was failed if it is unplanned, which is the result of abortions. If it takes you 20 weeks to decide whether or not you want to conceive a child you probably shouldn't be pregnant to begin with, but after that 20 weeks you are killing a child. It is no longer a surprise after 20 weeks of being pregnant and it is something you are thinking about every single day so it is not something you should be putting off. And should be banned, everywhere.
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