Friday, October 18, 2013

Felony Charges for Two Bullies

Category: Community, Law
Level: Local
Concerning a problem/issue that individuals face
Why is this important/how does this affect individuals/families? This issue is very important because it addresses the suicide of a victim of bullying. This issue affects the family of the victim, as well as the two girls who are currently being held responsible for her death. This incident can also set an example for other bullies and hopefully prevent future situations.
My Views: I think this whole situation is disgusting, and I strongly support the decision to charge the two girls with aggravated stalking. In addition, if stronger and more punishable charges were brought forward, I would support them as well. Although this incident is being referred to as “bullying”, after reading some of the messages that were sent to the victim before her suicide, I think harassment is a more accurate description. The two girls being charged sent messages to the victim telling her to “kill herself” and “drink bleach and die”. In my opinion, that goes beyond bullying. What is wrong with these girls? And further, where are their parents? It is the parents’ responsibility to monitor their children and prevent situations like this from occurring. In addition to their lack of supervising, the parents are fleeing responsibility by saying the account was hacked. The whole situation is ridiculous, and could have easily been prevented. Unfortunately, cyber-bullying has become a common occurrence in our society and there is very little being done about it. I sincerely hope that the girls involved in this bullying incident will be severely punished, not only to get justice for the victim, but also to set an example for other bullies.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Chelsea that they are been charge for what they did.What type of world of we live that children can be so crude. I am really mad that the old girl thought it was ok to write on Rebecca page that she bullied Rebecca and she killed herself. Why will be choosing to bully someone so bad that they kill themselves. I think it is sad because the girl bullied Rebecca due to the fact that Rebecca dated her boyfriend. First, which these are too young to be dating let only take their relationship so seriously to bully her. How can someone who was your best friend turn around and bully you. I know I see this type of stuff in movies not in real life. I feel children first of all don’t need Facebook because this cyber bullying is crazy. Why will you text someone text ‘‘kill myself’’ or ‘‘to drink bleach and die’’ to me that is crazy. Why will you chose to be so hateful toward another person. I know the girl said that the Facebook was hacked and she didn’t post the nasty comment that ‘‘I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself’’. I know she could have been hacked but it is hard for me to believe that. I think she did and she was just brag about it and when she got into for it. She was just denying it so she will not get into that much trouble. Why will the parents say that she was hack? So parents I think you should know what your kid is doing on Facebook because I know this are not the first thing cyber bullying has caused someone to commit suicide. I know they also bullied her in person as well. Why does it seem that one girl can tell every girl what to do? I know the older bully told anyone who becomes Rebecca friend will be bully as well. Why did anybody report this bully that was going on? What are parents telling their children nowadays? Are they too busy going to working and just trying to make sure that their kids in the future? That they are forgetting to teach them that if they see anyone been bullied they should doing anything about it. So are these kids saying that one girl can control them and tell that what to do. How come so many kids see this and choose to do nothing about it. These girls could have been Rebecca friends because one girl can’t destroy their lives if they chose to not tell her. I think kids need to learn to stand up for others kids when they see them been bullied and also tell a grown up so something can be done about it. I am glad that these girls are getting charged. It will show all these want to be bullies to see what will happen if they keep going on the way bullying others the way they have been doing.
