Friday, September 6, 2013

VW and workers explore Union possibilities

Category: Unionization

Level: National

Concerning: A potential policy that is being considered to help a problem/issue that individuals/families face


Why is this important?: This VW factory has the chance to be unionized and it will be the first German automobile factory in the United States to belong to a Union.

My Views:  From personal experience of a parent belonging to a union, I was able to get an insider view on the situation. For the most part I think that unions are a good thing to have. Having representation for you personally can be a huge weight lifted off some people shoulders who work for big corporations. Job security for me would be a very important aspect to belonging to a union. Being fired or laid off with no reason behind it is a very real thing, so this gives workers the right to fight for their job, on the other hand though some people who really do deserve to get fired don’t because of that same fact.  I know growing up my family had awesome health benefits, insurance, life insurance etc. because my dad belonged to a union while working for UPS. For this factory in the south to have to potential to become unionized will open the gates to other foreign companies to do the same, might help the local economies tremendously because of the fact that the workers might not be making as much as they should be so in turn making more money will stimulate the economy rather than all the extra money going to high executives.

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