Friday, September 6, 2013

New Abortion Regs Proceed Without State Council's Support


2.Category: Medical/Health issue

3.  Level of issue: State level

4.  The article is concerning a potential policy that is being considered to help a problem/issue that individuals/families face
5.   Why this is important to individuals/families OR How does this affect individuals/families:
It is important/affects individuals and families because the availability of abortion clinics will be significantly  impacted if the regulations and standards for abortion clinics and ASC's merge. Abortion clinics will be forced to close down if they do not meet the new proposed requirements for their facilities.

6.   What are your views on the issue/policy? (250 word min)
             I feel as though requiring abortion clinics to meet the same standards as ambulatory surgical centers could prove to be rewarding for those who are “pro-life”, like myself. The regulations for abortion clinics are already more strict than that of ASC's, in regards to background checks and annual inspections. Although, abortion clinics already have their own rules they have to abide by, it does seem as though this bill could be beneficial to the public in several ways.
            I feel as though abortion facilities should be required to have the same standards as that of any other medical facility because of the nature of the procedure and how serious of a matter it is. In response to this proposed bill many clinics would be forced to close down because of the inability to transform their facilities to meet the new rules and regulations regarding hallway width, operation room size, etc. Many abortion clinics would not be able to afford the costs involved in meeting these standards causing many to be forced to close down. I would not necessarily be opposed to this bill because I feel as though it would hinder people from the decision of abortion, if clinics were more far and in-between and harder to find.

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely “pro-choice” but I agree with this bill though because of the fact that abortion clinics should have the same regulations as surgical centers. Not knowing much about abortion clinics, I just assumed that they were deemed safe places to have this procedure done. On your views of it being a good thing because they will be harder to find, I do believe that if they are harder to find, women will find ways to abort their babies in more unsafe manners. This policy is so hard to pick a side to because I can see it going both ways and it being a controversial subject. So hopefully if this bill gets passed, there won’t be too few clinics because this may result in worst things.
