Friday, September 6, 2013

Illegal immigration fights to become legal

2. Category of problem: Immigration
3. Level of problem: National
4. The article concerns: All immigrants and their families
5. Why is this important to families/individuals OR how does it affect individual’s families?
            Many organizations will be rallying to have legislation passed that will help immigrants and their families in the United States become legal citizens. Having this bill pass will allow the immigrants family to be eligible for numerous public services (SNAP, Medicaid, etc.) that can help them life better lives.
6. What are your views on the issue/policy?
            Illegal immigration has always been a hot topic of debate in this country, especially on whether or not the people that manage to enter this country are eligible for rights, work, and insurance for their families. I believe that if you can make it to the United States, and you have the determination to work and want to make life better for your family and yourself, then you deserve to have the legal rights of an American citizen. I believe that if you’re allowed to work low-level jobs like janitorial services or low-paying labor, then you should be allowed to have legal rights. Immigrant families that are living at or below the poverty line should be allowed access to food stamps, Medicaid, and other government resources. There are many people that will probably oppose this, because for some reason half of the American public has a puffy sense of entitlement about only pure citizens living in this great land. I really hope that the federal legislation will actually take this bill seriously and give it some actual time and deliberation in between taking action in Syria and dealing with Japan poisoning the ocean with nuclear waste.  Maybe if these organizations can get a big enough following at the rallies, the federal legislation will give a little more consideration to passing the bill. One roadblock I think the bill might face would be some corporations that use illegal immigrants for cheap labor not wanting to give benefits and actually pay these workers minimum wage when they become legal citizens. Also, the corporate lobbyists not paying them or pulling funding may sway some senators and house members that support the bill being passed. 

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