Friday, September 6, 2013



Category:  Education

Level: State

Why: This effects children in Public schools. The CSCOPE lectures that were purchased through school districts were posted on the internet for parents to see. Parents raised controversy of these lectures and did not want their children to be taught these things. This was considered biased against Christians, America and capitalism. 

My Views: My mother is a teacher and this has effected her teaching authority. The lessons that were given through CSCOPE were guidelines for teachers to follow to teach their students how to pass given exams that are required by students in public schooling. Now that these lectures have been posted to the internet test have to be rewritten so some students do not have an advantage over others. Parents are all willing to make their child the best and there are parents out there that will do anything to make their child shine under false light. Not that it is a bad thing for students to have extra learning, but it is a teachers job and duty to teach their students the necessary curriculum to pass these test. They should do so with the time and accessible techniques and guidelines given to them. Now that the CSCOPE test has to be rewritten, curriculum will also have to change to meet these new standards. The writers of CSCOPE are out $1 million to make the changes to this test. The test that is to be given by the end of this school year that the writers are having to start from scratch. Teachers are evaluated on how their students do on this test, now the TEKS Resource System, and if they are not given the proper lectures of what to expect given on this test it could effect their jobs, and not to mention the children's learning. Students will not pass the test without the proper teaching. 

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