Thursday, September 19, 2013

Charges for Bullies
Austin American-Statesman

Category: Children

Level: State

This article is concerning an issue/problem that individuals/families face.


Why this is important:

Families who must live with the loss of a child due to suicide that is provoked by bullying will be given more solid answers and feelings of closure if there is a charge held against those responsible for the bullying, and ultimately the death, of that child. this is especially important because it effects both the victim's family and the bully's family.


My Views:

There are conflicting feelings about this ruling. On one side, I am glad that someone is being held responsible for the suicide death of this girl, on the other, I feel for the family of the bully who must now acknowledge that their child has cause the death of another through their actions. Charges against the girls doing the bullying have not been filed but are being considered. I don’t know what the official name of these charges would be or if those charges would result in jail time but I think that a form of punishment is necessary in these cases. If a child commits suicide because of bullying they are experiencing, that death is on the hands of the bullies even though it cannot be named homicide. There is a chance the bully will feel a sense of guilt or responsibility but if they are not declared some sort of fault in the matter, they may not feel responsible at all.

By acknowledging that the suicide was not committed as a solitary act, but that there were clear reasons behind it, the family of the victim can receive answers to the unavoidable question of why. There can be a sense of closure as well as a possible sense of “debts paid” when those responsible for the bullying are charged.

Enforcing and publicizing punishment for the bullies responsible for tormenting those who ultimately commit suicide may have a positive effect on the issue as a whole. Children may be deterred from bulling others based on fear of being punished on a larger scale than serving detention at school.  

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