Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Drug Testing for Unemployment

Austin American-Statesman
Category: State laws
Level: State
This article is concerning an “enacted” policy that has been passed to help with a problem/issue that individuals/families face.

This is important to individuals/families because individuals who refrain from drug use are eligible to begin work immediately, if possible, which means the transition period between unemployment and employment where benefits are being used will be shorter than that of an individual who will not find a job due to drug use. An extended use of unemployment benefits could lead to abuse of the system; only allowing those who are ready to work to receive benefits is a better use of our unemployment program.

My views on the issue/policy:
As of now, it seems that there may be loopholes in the new policy of drug testing for unemployment. Individuals who are filing for unemployment and whose previous job required a pre-employment drug test will be asked to fill out a questionnaire and if that questionnaire points to possible drug use, that individual will be required to take a drug test. My question is, why are only people who's job required a drug test being asked to fill out the questionnaire? In my opinion, it is more likely that jobs that employ people without asking for a drug test are more likely to have employees that do drugs. I know this statement cannot be applied universally but based on that opinion, I think the questionnaire should be given to every new applicant for benefits.
I agree with drug testing prior to receiving unemployment benefits but I believe every applicant should be tested. I know the questionnaire is a way to seem less harsh or more fair, but I don't think it is completely necessary. The way I see it, I was required to take a drug test for my job which is my form of income. If you are going to rely on unemployment benefits as your form of income you should be required to take a drug test as well. 
Even though I am not fully convinced that the questionnaire is effective, because people can lie when filling out a survey, I do think we are moving in the right direction with our requirements for unemployment benefits.

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