Thursday, September 5, 2013

A little fire never hurt anyone...

1. Title of Article: Huge Yosemite wildfire started by hunter's campfire
2. Category of Problem: Environmental
3. Level of Problem: State
4. A problem individuals face
5. Relevance: This has an effect on a few different areas, with the most obvious being the wildlife in the area. In addition to that, there were thousands of residents that had to be evacuated, firefighters who are putting their lives in danger to stop the fire, and contamination of a water source for San Fransisco.
6. The wildfires at Yosemite have been going on for a while. As of right now, it is the fourth largest wildfire in California since the 1930's, burning over 66,000 acres, but that's not really what this article is about. This article is about the cause of this fire, and what I personally see as the biggest issue. An act of selfishness and irresponsibility by one man who thought a burning ban was not important enough, built a campfire and proceeded to burn down a 370 square mile section of California. My concern isn't so much focused on the impact that this fire will have because fires are also a natural process in nature and the area will recover and flourish just fine. My problem lies with the mentality that so many people have about the world around them. Living in this town only supports my theory that most people are generally self centered and have no respect for the environment and the people around them. Apparently alleviating a slight chill during a summer night is more important than the safety of local firefighters and residents. Getting ridiculously drunk and acting like an idiot on the river is more important than the well being of that river, as evidence by all the trash left behind. This kind of mentality carries over into other aspects of life too beyond the environmental. One of the previous bloggers mentioned medicaid fraud, and it's the same kind of selfish attitude that would rather take a few hundred bucks to line their pockets with, instead of letting it go to the people that actually need it. What is the solution to these problems? Honestly, I don't think there is one. Unfortunately attitudes and selfish mentalities will not change until it is too late, and even then most won't do a dang thing about it except for take what they can for themselves and do whatever they can to avoid taking responsibility. It is basically up to a few to pick up the slack and try to leave this world better than they found it. Where you fall into place in this is up to you, but judging by how most of the class felt about volunteering and community service, it seems pretty obvious already.

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