Friday, October 4, 2013

Legistlation passed to pay the 100,000's of workers that were furloughed

Level: Federal
Category: Family
This article affects consumers/families because it allows for federal workers to actually get paid.

My Views:
The government shutdown has let down a lot of people. Not only has it been going on for a few days, essentially just annoying everyone, but 800,000 government workers have had their pay furloughed. Inactive military, most government agencies, and even NASA have been denied pay at the start of the new fiscal year. But, the congress men and women still get their ridiculous pay checks, even though they are the ones who started the problem. Luckily, they could agree on one thing, and that was actually granting the federal employees their pay checks. I believe that if it was congress's fault that the government shutdown in the first place, that they should not punish the federal workers by stopping their pay but keeping their own. I sincerely do not understand how that is legal.

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