2. Category: Education
3. Level: Local
4. Content: Impact on children in the Dallas ISD, who will
receive free breakfast and lunch
5. Importance: Instead of kids having to pay for reduced
breakfast and lunch the United States Agriculture Department has offered to pay
for the cost and will save DISD $300,000 a year because of costs due to 40
temporary positions and reducing paperwork. Kids that paid the full $2.93 per
meal will now eat for free.
6. This policy put in place allows families who are having a
hard time making it can now relax with knowing that their children are being
fed. Being nutrition major and seeing how the government runs the kids will
probably be only offered low quality high energy foods with low nutrient
status. This is sad especially with how the obesity rates are spiking in school
aged kids. If fruits and vegetables are administered that would be a miracle. In
the end as long as kids are not starving but getting plenty of exercise to
counter the high caloric foods I see that as helping to make the kids do better
in school.
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