Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My bad... can you cover me?

1. U.S. Reckons With Impact of Shutdown
2. Category: Politics
3. Level: National
4. Content: Impact on federal employees during government shutdown.
5. Importance: Federal employees are facing lost wages and financial uncertainty
6. This article discusses the various areas facing closure due to the government shutdown, but one area in particular that I would like to focus on is the fact that these people will not be receiving any pay checks during this time. The politicians responsible for this, on the other hand, will still be getting paid. There are some politicians that are choosing the donate their salary during this time to different charities and that's all good and well, but they have the choice to do so. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of thousands of federal employees that do not have the option to do so and also cannot afford to do so. It seems silly to me that so many who are not responsible for this have to suffer. Yet those that are directly responsible are not experiencing the same negative consequences. Honestly I do not know a whole lot about how exactly everything works with politician's pay, but it seems like all of them are pretty well money driven and maybe if they took that out of the equation for them, they could come to some sort of solution a little quicker here. It is pretty difficult to have any confidence in our government when time and time again, they show that they are simply incapable of doing their jobs and then are barely even held accountable for their mistakes.

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