Tuesday, October 1, 2013


1. http://www.chron.com/news/politics/article/Government-powers-down-blame-trading-in-capital-4858627.php?cmpid=hpbn

2.  Category of problem: Shutdown
3. Level of problem: National
4. This article concerns: The government is shutting down due the senators and the house indecision of about a bill been pass.
5.  Why is this important to families/individuals OR how does it affect individuals/families?
It affects families or individual because if you are working for the government or federal just know that you will be getting paid like usually you. There are also shutting down places like national institute of health for taking new patients.
6. What are your views on the issue/policy?
I think it is crazy because you have grown men and women who can’t come up with a compromise that will work best for everyone involve. You got the senators and house blaming the other party for the shutdown. I am also saddened by the fact that people who work the government will not be getting pay due to the shutdown.  I don’t think it is fair or right because the people need the money that they are working for.  Places like national institute of health is not accept any patients due to the shutdown. It get about 200 patient with 30 of them been children in a week. How is the shutdown helping anybody? It is causing more problems for people but do the government really care. As government you will think they will do what will benefit the people not cause them more problem.  In Massachusetts, Mitt Romney have a romneycare which is the Obama care is similar to which have help about 95% of people in Massachusetts to have health insurance. Why come the government don’t want to just try it out and see how it works because the health insurance that they have is not really having people. I know health insurance don’t want to insure people with pre-exist condition or if they do it is expensive and I don’t think it is fair because people who get cancer is not really their fault. If more people have affordable health insurance they are more likely to go for a checkup then waiting for it to get worst before go to the E.R. What also make me mad is that the president and the congress are still getting paid everyday about more than  $250,000 day even if the government shutdown or not.

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