2 2. Category of problem: Society
3 3. Level
of problem: State
4 4. The
article concerns: A man set himself on fire while at the national mall.
5 5.Why
is this important to families/individuals OR how does it affect
It affects families or individual
because the man set himself on fire while at a national mall.
6 6. What
are your views on the issue/policy?
What will make
someone want to set themselves on fire? I feel like maybe the shutdown
government have affect himself and his family and he thought maybe trying to
kill himself in front of people that a national mall to show the government
what they are doing it harm people. Or maybe I am just jump to conclude on this
one. What if while the joggers were trying to help him, he accidentally burns
them as well? I know it is life-threatening suffers because it was fire in the
first place. He may having be trying to
prove a point but in a very harm way which to me is crazy because he now have
to live this awful burn for the rest of his life. I think no matter how bad
things get just trying to harm or kill you to get off out a situation is not a
good choice. His family has to now get care for him for the rest of his life. If
the family cannot afford his medically care and they might have to use the
entire have to support him then what did he prove. I think people do not always
really think about the choice that they make and how it will not just affect
them but the people that love and care for them. So what if he will does not
make it. His family will have to deal with losing him which is not to anybody to
lose a love one because they were been self and thinking that taking their life
was the only way to end their suffering or pain. I hope that he makes it and his family all the best in this situation.
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