Thursday, October 3, 2013

Texas and the Affordable Care Act

Week #5 Article #1
O’Hare, Peggy (2013, September 28) In Texas, access to affordable healthcare can be a problem. San Antonio Express News
Category of problem: Healthcare
Level of problem: State
This article concerns:
How the state is making it more difficult for Texans to get educated on the Affordable Care Act as well as sign up for it’s options.
Importance/affect on families/individuals:
This is important to the families and individuals of Texas because those who are uninsured or have pre-existing conditions are not being directly provided with the information they need to be able to take advantage of this health care that was specifically designed to help families like them.
My input:

I feel that the state of Texas is doing a great disservice to its residents. It is sad to think that state officials are making it harder for people to get informed and take advantage of this fantastic healthcare option for families without insurance. Texas has not made the efforts that other states have made to get the word out that this can help its people. There have been almost no tv commercial ads or radio ads to promote the opportunity that the Affordable Care Act brings along. It is a shame to think that there is so much misleading information being fed to the people of Texas. If only people would realize that this could help the 6.4 million Texans without health insurance. Sadly, there are people who eat up any lies that people like Rick Perry feed to the public about how terrible this is, and these people who believe him are probably also the people that this would be helping the most. The misconception that everyone is being forced to use this health care is so common to hear, but it is so false. If you have no health care, the government is doing you a favor by giving you the option of healthcare at a less expensive cost. If you have health care through your work and are happy with it, guess what. Nothing changes for you. The end. To me, it seems that the people who are most against Obamacare are people who are already well insured by their employer and plan to stay with their insurance provider, and in turn will not be affected whatsoever by Obamacare. I feel that if the state allowed more people to get the facts on the Affordable Care Act, then more Texans would be support it. But I guess that is what they are afraid of.

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